Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Glimpse...(Updated)

Just a few pics to get a glimpse of our new place. They were taken on my mobile phone camera the night we moved all of the large stuff in.

The welcoming message on our front door.

Kitchen. Notice the back door. Ignore the boxes to the left.

Blueberry Cobbler candle on the kitchen table. It's never been lit up, and the entire house smells like blueberry cobbler!

Bedroom wall just above our bed...

One of the inspiring messages on our bedroom wall.

Sand and shells on the back of the toilet in the loo.

Another view of the loo. Love the sign. A friend gave it to me!

The living room! I set the pics up. I have to set these three pictures up in order for it to feel like home.

The couch and some of the art on the walls of the living room! Thinking of putting blossoms on that tree according to the seasons. Snow blossoms would look striking on that black tree!

A closer look at the phrase on our living room wall, so true. There's no place like home...

And that concludes our tour. I will take more pictures of the bedroom and kitchen when everything is cleaned up and put away. I'm just too sick to think of doing that right now.

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